Chief Technology Officer

Tero Heinonen

Chairman and Co-Founder

Where We Started

Building the foundation with customer understanding tools and data integration

Where We Are

Advanced personalization and automated segmentation capabilities

Where We're Going

Evolving into a comprehensive AI toolbox for rapid solution development

We built all the tools, so you don't have to

We worked tightly with out spearhead customers solving their everyday challenges in customer communication. This work led us to build a set of modular capabilities that can be put together to create custom solutions and to build new products with. This foundational toolbox is LastBot AI CORE.

We started with customer understanding tools: CRM data integrations, customer data cleaning, customer data enrichment with first party data or with data available from the Internet, smart customer search and scraping tools. We built the advanced deep profiling module, which uses AI to create customer profiles like never before: decision-making style, communication style, values, interests, identity, and many other psychographic properties.

We expanded our stack to personalization and hyper-personalization. LastBot automated segmentation tool uses selected customer profile data to automatically segment customers into desired number of segments. Our segment-based personalization automatically optimizes messages to each segment, addressing the recipients better than ever.

The most powerful response we have received is from marketing to segment-size-of-one, fully personalized messaging which takes into account all known information and writes personal messages. These messages can be used in LastBot chatbot, email, or any other messaging channel.

While the above is already an impressive AI marketing toolbox, we did not stop there. We built a reinforcement learning framework around everything we do. When integrated with real-world outcomes such as sales data, conversions, clicks or churn, our tools continuously and automatically learn to work better. This technology has now several patents pending, concerning optimization of inference time in language models, and generating and selecting optimal messaging for customers. Reinforcement learning enables our technology to quickly adapt to market changes such as trends, and helps the AI performance to keep improving constantly.

A tool without relevant data would be a non-starter. LastBot AI CORE includes a robust framework for ingesting and managing business data such as products, brands, promotions, marketing, brochures and manuals. This involves advanced Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), indexing, and document analysis tools. Our customers can themselves keep the documentation up to date using our easy to use tools. Alternatively, we can provide white gloves services, where LastBot experts keep your business data up to date for AI.

Some customers have fast turnover inventory, such as eCommerce sites. We have implemented custom integrations to operative systems to ensure the product and inventory data stay always up-to-date.

Not only was this truly unique marketing stack built once. We maintain and update LastBot AI CORE daily to benefit from the advances in the underlying technologies such as Large Language Models (LLM) to keep our customers ahead of competition and leveraging new opportunities. This is what we are here for - to give the best tools and expertise - saving our customers time and costs in adapting to the newest state-of-the-art AI advantages.

Yours truly,

Tero Heinonen

LastBot Co-Founder and a software developer, who has authored over a million lines of production code and has been granted 25+ patents.

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